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11 Things I Love About KOPN Community Radio

Working my way toward the end of my sixth month as general manager at KOPN community radio, I thought it might be fun to make a list of some of the things I love about working there and in that world. I love my job, so I think it will be pretty easy. I think it will also be easy to make a list of things I hate, but we will save that for another day. 1.  At it's best, community radio really is about the whole community. 2.  We seek to provide a voice for those who might not otherwise have it. 3.  The music really is just so freaking cool. I have heard a wider variety of music in the last six months than in the previous six years. 4.  Working here means learning something new pretty much every day. 5.  My favorite thing is probably the volunteers. So many are so incredibly generous with their time, knowledge, and talent. 6.  Perhaps this is a backhanded compliment, but there are always problems to solve and pretty much always a small or large crisis. As general manager, I
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Ugh. Apparently, Sometimes Radio Stations Just Stop Working

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10 Things I Liked About My First Day as KOPN Community Radio General Manager

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