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Showing posts from February, 2018

Ugh. Apparently, Sometimes Radio Stations Just Stop Working

This was kind of a tough week. Not only did the station go off-air, it happened twice, for two totally different reasons (and this is not something that happens frequently). This story starts at 3:45 AM, when my phone first rang. Honestly, I mostly ignored it and fully intended to go back to sleep, but I am kind of an insomniac, so I found myself getting out of bed. Once in my living room, I checked to see who had called and soon found myself talking to one of our long time show hosts, Lee, who told me, "Sean, the station is off the air." Lee explained that the station had stopped broadcasting a few minutes earlier, he had tried a few things to reset it, those things had not worked, and now we had to get serious about figuring it out. Roughly 30 minutes from the time the phone first rang, I was at the station, doing my best to make the situation better, rather than worse (did I mention I am not a tech guy?). My first call was to Jay, our technology and facilities mana